Tuesday 28 February 2012


parashakti is one, frm her 2 devi originate, one is red and another is black, red devi is guhya sundari the black is guhyakali, frm guhya sundari tripurasundari and srhidevi or srikula originate. Frm guhyakali kamakalakali, mahakali, tara etc kalikula originate.All these tantram given by paramashiva.
Vindya parvatam is the centre for tantra. areas east to it come under gauda tantram, of vishnukranta the head quater at kamarupa bhuvaneshwari is all, kamarupa kamakhya (uttarpradesh, bihar, nepal, bengal, odisha, assam).

Area south to vindhya come kerala tantram, under rathakranta head quater in kamakotikamashi, tripurasundari is main, (madhyapradesh, maharastra, andra, karnataka, tamilnadu, kerala, srilanka).

Area west and north to vindhya come under kashmira tantram, : Ashwakranta head quater of kashmira, kali is main ( gujarat, rajasthan, haryana, uttarkhand, himachal, panjab, kashmir).
Gauda tantram i stay north to godavari river i have to follow.
For rathakranta separate 64 tantra books followd, for vishnukranta 64 other tantra followed, in rathakranta, garbha kaula is foolwd, in vishnukranta divya kaula/purva daula is main. rest all one can ask they acharya's according to their...

 All 2 school have own style of mahavidhya krama, in kamarupa there 18 mahavidya, in keralaa and kashmira, 10 mahavidya, beeja differ from school to other, even in kashmira kali, tara, shodashi r mahavidya other r vidya.Kamarupa is assam, guwahaty, area, kerala kaula was upto tamilnadu, kerala andra, karnataka, after shankaracharyaji kanchi become samayacharam, for brahmin wine is taboo,band. but others he can take if it is offered to devata and pithru. 
In kerala matham left, hand used for pujana, right hand for tarpana, in kamarupa left for tarpana , right for pujana, right hand for trpana, in kamarupa left for tarpana, right for pujana, in kashmira pujana tarpana done together with both.
Kadi, hadi sadi belong to urdhwamnaya in all schools, in kerala they give ganapathi, bala first so later upasaka gets entry to urdhwamnaya, in gauda tantra they give either surya , durga or kali, tata first then urdhwamnaya , in kashmira they give saraswathi, vagishwari and rudra mantra first they urdhwamnaya, in kashmira they give saraswathi, vagishwari,and rudra mantra first then urdhwamnaya. During navavarana tarpanam for anga devata and guru mandala is done, pitrutarpana is done separately.Tripurasundari has bow, arrow with 5 brahmasa, tripura come in urdhwa marga, bhuvaneshi may come in purva (gauda tantra, paschima kerala , uttara kashmira, margam. Here abt kamala mahavidya. kamala is the 10th mahavidya. she is the sustaining aspect, the form of samruddhi, fully awaken dundalini, the sign of matured upasaka. she comes undr shri kula along with bhuvaneshwari, shodashi, matangi, bagala, annapurna, twarita, swapnavathi, her upasana can be done by vedic, tantrik dakshinacharam, kaulacharam. but she get pleased by vedic and dakshina margam, her bairava is mahavishnu/narayana. her sadhana margam is called padmini kramam. one has to wear white and yellow clothes, eat sweet things, milk, rice ets.only. NO Sour, Spice, bitter things allowed, every thrusday night and friday early morng her abhishekam should be done, women should be respected, when ever u see any flower or vilwa tree do namaskara to kamala, she lives in vilwa tree and lotus pond, newly harvested grains r abode of kamala. her dhyana is she is sitting in a pond over redlotus, she holds two lotus on her above 2 hands, vara , abhaya on lower hands, 4 white elephants are doing nitya abhisheka to her with gold kalasha, she has 3 eyes, wears golden saree, ornaments, she has smile on her face, KUBERA AND Indra bow down before her.Yes even in tamilnadu, and karnataka, some schools r there, they r secret, in keral school brahmins can use all 5 makara, but gauda tantra say brahmins cant use wine or woman other than wife.

There are 4 elephants actually, they are son of airavatha as describd in tantra. when narayana took avatara as son of akruti and dharmadeva as nara narayana and went to badrika, that time kamala took birth as daughter of maharshi bhrugu near narmadanadi and did  tapam for narayana, finally she got married to badrinarayana.

Once u become sadi, dont critisze kaula. and makaras.

But i read that brahmins, should get deeksha from brahmins as per rudrayamalam, if guru is non veg then shishya may be veg or non veg, depending on nature, he can take diksha from non veg eating person. agastya was non veg, but many of his shishya were veg.

Smruti written by rushi, like yajnavalkya, angirasa, apastamba, bhrhaspati, dalabhya, shankha, shatatapa.

South indians follow apastamba and bodayana sutram.

Bhodhayana sutra followd in kerala nampothri and kanyakumari, maduraiarea, bodhayana vruthi is another book where vishishatdwaita principle r written by  saraswati and bhodhayana samvaadam.

IN odisha follow shukla yajurveda and yajnavalkya , katyayana smruti mainly.

Badarayana means vedavyasa rushi, but bodhayana was son of abhardwasu, who wrote bodhayana smruti, and vruti, he got vision of saraswati in kashmira and wrote bodhayana vruthi.

Annapurna appeared as parashakti gramadevata of kashi, she has 10letter mantra, she is angadevata of mahabhattarika also. Annapurana is a separate mahavidya in kamarupa tantram. she originated from parashakti. parashakti is one, frm her 2 devi originate, one is red and another is black, red devi is guhya sundari the black is guhyakali, frm guhya sundari tripurasundari and srhidevi or srikula originate. Frm guhyakali kamakalakali, mahakali, tara etc kalikula originate.

Prabhum praanantham vibhumvishwanatham jagannnatha naatham sadaan andabhaajam bhavadbhouvya bhuteshwaram, bhutanaatham shivam shankaram shambhu ISHAANA MEEDE.

Vishnukranta main deity are kali , tara, bhuvaneshwari,: Surya/Maartanda bairava are main bhairavas...  Rathakranta main deity are Matangi, Bhaivari, Tripurasundari,:Mahaganapai/Uchishta Ganapati are main,,, Ashwakranta main are Bagalamukhi, KALI  , chinnamasta. :Rudra is main bhairava.

Panchapretasanasina shodashi is a mahavidya, like wise there r panchapretasanasina bagala, bhuvaneshwari, kamala, matangi etc..who come under shrikula. in kalikula it becomes saptapretasanasina, or 7 pretasana kali, Tara, chinna, bhairavi.... saptapretasanaseena are panchaseena +hiranyagarbha and Indra.

Ujjaini mahakali, kashi annapurna, bhuvaneshwar bhuvaneshwari, kanchi tripurasundari, shrirangam kamala.

Each woman is shakti, devadasi who get married to devata, becomes shakti of that devata. She gets power, she gets anugraha. so she can decipher mantra tattwam. her body, soul, mind become chinmayam. soshe is bhairavi and that devata is bhairava. Lakshmi ksheera samudra raja tanaya, Shriranga dhameshwari, kamaltmika tantram/ shakta pramoda / shakti sangama tantram. Ranganayika and  kamala are one and the same. Kamala has  place in all vishnu perumal temple. but in India Shrirangam, and bhrugukachha(bharuch in gujarat) are two main sidha bhumi for kamala sthalam.

Ujjaini mahakali is mahakali only, with 10 head, 20 hand and legs, 1st mahvidhya, its in madhyapradesh. somnath bhairavi is not practisd now, all devadasi r not bhairavi, only few. 1:Bhairavi : Dakshina moorthi bhairav kshetra main is Nepal. 2:Bagala : Maharudra,  kshetra is haridra sarovara Dwaraka, Gujrat. 3:Shodashi : Mahakameshwar is Prayag triveni sangam and Kanchipura,  4: Tara : Akshobhya.. is in vashishtashram, assam and mithila, 5: ChhiNamastha: Kabandha.. in Tibbet and Padaivedu Renuka, vellore. 6: Matangi : Mattamatanga bhairava in Madhurai , Modhera and Shrungeri, 7:Dhumavati ;: No Bhairava, in Mangalore coast and Pakistan area,8: Tripu Ta: Mahadeva, in Kurukshetra, 9:Swapnavarahi: Dandanayaka in amarkantak, Madhyapradesh.10: Durga in Karnataka, mainly Mysore, area, and Vindhya parvatam total.11: Bhuvaneshwari : Tribhuvaneshwar, tryambaka,   in Bhuvaneshwar, Odisha, 12:Kali :Mahakala bhairav.. in ujjaini and Gangasamudra sangama, bengal. 13:Kamala: Mahavishnu in Thiruvarangam and Bharuch, 14: Annapurna: Vishwanatha in Kashi. 15:Gayatri: Savitru in Pushkara, 16: Saraswathi: Parameshthi in Kashmir and Khamakhya jagakyoni, which trimurti originate in assam, 17: Padmavati: Rushabha in tirupati (venkatam0 !18: Kamakhya,: Umananda,  are combined with 18..Mahavidya.

1.     Kali: The ultimate form of Brahman, "Devourer of Time" (Supreme Deity  of Kalikula systems)
2.     Tara: The Goddess as Guide and Protector, or Who Saves.Who offers the ultimate knowledge which gives salvation (also known as Neel Saraswati).
3.     Lalita-Tripurasundari (Shodashi): The Goddess Who is "Beautiful in the Three Worlds" (Supreme Deity of Srikula systems); the "Tantric Parvati" or the "Moksha Mukta".
4.     Bhuvaneshvari: The Goddess as World Mother, or Whose Body is the Cosmos
5.     Bhairavi: The Fierce Goddess
6.     Chhinnamasta: The Self-Decapitated Goddess
7.     Dhumavati: The Widow Goddess,or the Goddess of death.
8.     Bagalamukhi: The Goddess Who Paralyzes Enemies
9.     Matangi: the Prime Minister of Lalita (in Srikula systems); the "Tantric Saraswati"
10.  Kamala: The Lotus Goddess; the "Tantric Lakshmi"
The Mahabhagavata Purana and Brhaddharma Purana however, list Shodashi (Sodasi) as Tripura Sundari, her another name.[1] The Guhyatiguyha-tantra associates the Mahavidyas with the ten Avatars of Vishnu, and states that the Mahavidyas are the source from which the avatars of Vishnu arose. All ten forms of the Goddess, whether gentle or terrifying, are worshiped as the universal Mother.

sahasra dharabishekam ( abishekham done with a dhara patram with 1000 holes)

sahasradharaabishekham done with water will remove miseries, if done with ghee will remove sickness and gives vamsha vriddhi, if sahasradharabishekham done with milk mixed with sarkara ....it removes mantra lobha, if done with curd mixed with vasana dravya...will ensure victory over enemies, with honey...it blesses one with good health , sugarcane water removes all kinds of dukkha and blesses one with happiness

Panchami Tithi

The Panchami tithi is given special importance together with ashtami and navami in all the navaratris.........

Magha (Shyamala ) Navaratri Panchami is known as Vasantha Panchami 
( manifestation of Saraswati took place on this panchami)

Vasantha ( Lalita) Navaratri Panchami is celebrated as Maha Panchami 
( very important panchami for Sri Vidya Upasakas)

Ashadha (Varahi) Navaratri Panchami is very auspicious to varahi upasaka as Ashadha Panchami ( as goddess Panchami manifested on this day)

Sharadha (Durga) Navaratri Panchami is celebrated as Lalita Panchami 
( lalitambika is worshipped on this day as Panchami Vidya by devi upasakas)

 ‎"He, the one who holds Flowery arrows, Sugarcane bow, Nook and goad in His four hands, He the one who sits on Red lotus, He the one who is eagerly enjoying the sexual bliss with His naked wife(Neela saraswathi), He, the son of Ambika, Ucchishta Ganapathi, whom I seek refuge in" :- This is the gross tranaslation of the shloka mentioned by Sri Sampath Kumar :)


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